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Programming Data Visualisation in Maya

I have been developing a script for my University Major Project that is based around data visualization. The script is written in Python and it utilities the core Maya commands & MEL library in order to produce this complex data structure called the 'Organic Rhizome'.

Nuke Scripting 


Learning the fundamentals of Nuke scripting I have learnt to utilise the TCL expressions and Python programming language Nuke has inbuilt into it. I also have successfully managed to make a "gizmo", which is an burn in to count frame numbers and display information about the test footage.

Backstreets Of Japan - Still Render Project

For a VFX university project I had to produce a still render of an abstract, strange and bizarre looking world. The theme I was going for was post-apocalyptic mutated creatures roaming within a backstreet of Japan.

JavaScript p5.js Game

For my Media Arts Gateway project I had produced a top-down 2D strategy pac-man like web browser game. The game was coded in p5.js which is a library for producing graphics in JavaScript. The game is an intensive randomly generated

labyrinth that changes its layout every single run and the enemies move faster so it becomes more progressively difficult to win. The score is based on how long you survive and how many coins you can collect.

AD2020 Logo

For the UNSW Art & Design Faculty, I had participated in a logo competition for the new year in 2020. This logo animation is very unique and creative in design, being a very engaging visual to showcase in my work.

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